The Next Best Thing For Mobile Multi-Taskers

The Xebec Tri-Screen is a must-have laptop accessory. Fast becoming New Zealand’s most popular dual monitor option, it’s being adopted across a wide variety of industries.

Extra Screens for Real Estate Agents on the Go

Real estate agents who are constantly on the go are grateful for the catchup opportunities they gain during quiet times at open homes. The Tri-Screen sets up in seconds on a kitchen bench or table, so work can continue just like you’re still at the office. Once you’re finished at your open home, or at a visit to a client’s home, the tri monitor setup packs down quickly and easily into a laptop bag, ready for your next appointment.

Travelling Sales People

If you enjoy the convenience of dual monitors at the office and miss them terribly when you are out and about, you can easily set up a laptop second screen and third screen from a single laptop. Wherever you’re staying, the Xebec Tri-Screen can set up easily in any small space. All you need is a table or benchtop and you’ll be set up in seconds. You can even use it on your lap, it’s that portable and lightweight.

A Professional Office Setup for Café Hoppers

Regularly arranging business catchups at cafés? This portable tri monitor setup will help you run your client meetings when you’re out and about. The table footprint of the Xebec Tri-Screen is tiny and well suited to small café tables. Once the Xebec Tri-Screen is attached to your existing laptop, you can easily flick between one screen to the next. No more losing track of pesky open tabs and windows, with all the information you need at your fingertips.

Why Xebec?

The Xebec Tri-Screen is a portable dual monitor setup that fits over the top of your existing laptop. It couldn’t be simpler to use. It is lightweight and highly portable and the latest go-to for busy professionals.

If you haven’t used multiple laptop screens you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the increased productivity and the ease of being able to juggle between multiple screens easily.

Set up and pack down in seconds, and enjoy the convenience of a modern office setup, wherever you are. Dual screens have never been more portable and user-friendly than Xebec.

Don’t be fooled by inferior products. The Xebec Tri-Screen is not only a superior product to other similar products on the market, it is also available directly from New Zealand importer and distributor, Smart Office Tech, so you will benefit from fantastic cost savings.

Order yours here today.